Creation, Simulation and Training
After working in the Simulation and Training field for 9 years, Magma's President of Engineering, Mr. Marcus Arnfeldt has designed, created, installed, and trained military personal globally on:
Air Traffic Control Simulators
Forward Observer Simulators
Small Arms Trainers
Close Air Support Systems
Marcus has been an integral part of developement, design and installation of:
Air Traffic control (Egyptian Airforce)
Classroom trainer Forward Observer Trainer (Israel IDF)
Group trainer Forward Observer Trainer (Israel IDF)
Classroom trainer Forward Observer Trainer (FOT) UAE Army
Forward Observer and Close Air Support Trainer (FACCAS) UAE Air Force
Forward Observer and Close Air Support Trainer (Norweigian Air Force)
US Army bases around the world
3D Graphics
Magma also has developed and created:
2D maps for CGFs (OneSAF, OTBSAF, VRForces)
3D terrain databases houses,rivers,street props, vegitation etc
3D models with at least 3 Level of Detail (LOD), damage states, animation, and articulated parts.